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Less going into savings

Low credit usage


Spend thrifts

Vic & Roger prioritise spending on experiences and material possessions over financial goals such as long-term savings.



Roger is an engineer, Vic works as an editor

They’re retiring this year

Live in Surrey



The love the outdoors

Highly educated

Use social media regularly

Own their home outright

Debt-free: they rarely use credit, and pay off their card in full every month

They save the same amount every month

They don’t maintain an emergency fund

Roger and Vic spend on holidays, home improvement, cars, gadgets and so on.

They display good financial behaviour by avoiding debt and making payments in full every month.

They don’t have set financial goals for themeselves, or put money away for a emergencies or ‘rainy days’.

* The persona portrayed in this infographic use fictitious examples of characteristics designed to bring Qudo's collected data points to life.

We’ve decided it’s finally time to make our lifelong travel dreams into reality. Of course, we’ll continue putting away a bit of savings every month. But we’ve always wanted to go on a safari… just this morning over breakfast, we took a huge leap and bought airline tickets to South Africa! We’re thrilled. We’re not getting any younger, why not make the best of life now?

- Vic

Roger and Vic’s unique and diverse interests make them fascinating people to know. They value experiences and possessions over financial goal-setting. However, they may benefit from focusing on long-term savings to achieve financial stability and security.

Financial products

Vic and Roger are debt free

They don’t use a credit card, and don’t want to take on any credit cards or products.

They’re unlikely, to save for the future or maintain an emergency fund.

Retailers targeting Spend Thrifts may benefit from offering low-cost/low-interest credit products and experiences that cater to their interests and hobbies.

In summary

Spend Thrifts like Vic and Roger spend on experiences and material possessions over financial goal-setting. Their unique interests and preferences make them an interesting and diverse segment to consider.